
Photo of bright blue beach appears Mediterranean taken by student abroad Claudia Gonzalez.


在这里你可以找到有关住房的信息, 财务文件, 活动, 学期的日期, 以及如何选课.


如果你是我们学校的一名录取学生 交流合作机构 and you have been nominated and approved by your home institution to study abroad at 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿, 那你来对地方了. 我们期待着你的到来.

  • 作为交换生, you can study for one or two academic semesters depending on the specified agreement between your institution and 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿.
  • 作为交换生,他将进入美国.S. 持J-1签证, the Department of State requires that you study full-time which is 12 credits (4 courses) for undergraduates, 研究生9学分(3门课程).
  • Exchange students have access to all services available to regular degree seeking students including library, 学生活动及折扣, 以及所有其他以学生为中心的服务和活动.
  • 作为交换生, your tuition and academic fees will be waived (unless the exchange agreement notes otherwise). Although your tuition and academic fees are waived t在这里 are other fees that each student are held responsible for. 这些 强制性学生费用大约为每学期800美元 本科生,研究生每学期约700美元. 这些费用可能会有所变化,甚至可能会增加. 如果课程要求实验室费用,费用可能会更高 财务处网站 费用). 
  • 作为交换学生,在完成学业后,你将要求一份你的 官方成绩单 并通知 注册处 把成绩单寄到哪里或者在哪里取. 成绩单不会自动寄给你. Our Office does not have authority to obtain your transcript without your written permission. 


  • 秋季学期(九月). 至十二月)及学年(九月至十二月. 至五月):四月一日
  • 春季学期(一月至五月)-十一月一日

All exchange students must complete a 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿 Exchange Student Application in its entirety. This application is now online and the nominated students will be sent a link to apply online.


请使用此表格提交提名 提名表 然后发邮件给 studyabroad@wjc7.com. Once we receive the nominations we will confirm with you the student(s) nominations. 学生被学校提名后, 学生将通过电子邮件收到在线申请系统的链接.  The nomination deadline is 15 days before the application deadline (see below).

  • 秋季学期(9月9日)提名. 至十二月)及学年(九月至十二月. 2月中旬至3月15日
  • Nomination for Spring semester (January to May): from mid-September until October 15 




一旦你被提名, you will receive an email from us with the online application link sent to your email (submitted with your nomination). When you receive the email and the link, you can start the the online application. In the online application you will be asked to submit the following documents: 

  • A most recent 官方成绩单(s), in English, of courses previously completed
  • Proof of English Proficiency: Minimum TOEFL score of 79-80 (Internet-Based) or 213 (Computer-Based) for both Undergraduate and Graduate students; or IELTS score 6 or equivalent scores from J-Check / iTEP. 澳门新葡新京官方院系要求的具体分数, 和这里贴的不一样, 检查 在这里.
  • 资助证明不超过6个月($1),500 per month X number of months of intended stay at 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿) that may in the form of a scholarship award letter, 或个人银行对账单, or an affidavit of support from parents/sponsor accompanied by evidence of that individual’s ability to finance your studies.
  • 护照页复印件(如果有的话)
  • Copies of any previous DS-2019s (if you have participated in an exchange program before)


你必须提交  国际交换学生课程注册工作表在你被录用后,我们会尽快通知你. This form will start the process of getting you approved into your selected courses. 请留意有关课程的电子邮件,这些邮件将发送到您的 澳门新葡新京官方的电子邮件地址. 要搜索可用的课程,可以在这里访问目录: http://60lot.wjc7.com/course_catalog If you need a course description, a short one is provided on the course search. You can request a syllabi from the faculty directly, by searching their email in the directory: http://60lot.wjc7.com/directory/


如果你想修管理学院的课程, the department reviews each students application and previous course work before accepting them into courses. 因为他们的课程很受欢迎, 他们的课程入学有严格的先决条件. You should 检查 to see if you have taken the necessary pre-requisites at your home university before selecting any College of Management courses. Students in Business/Management should consider taking courses in Economics, 数学, 通信, 和其他院系,作为你选择管理学院的后备.

限制课程:作为交换生, you can take courses in all majors at your degree level as long as you meet the required pre-requisite courses. 交换学生是 不合格的 参加护理学院的课程, all courses designated first-year or intermediate seminar (courses with a "G" next to the course number), 非母语英语课程, 或实习 & 顶点课程.



  • 秋季:九月至十二月
  • 春天:1月至5月


住房 on campus is 非常有限的, and almost entirely houses 1st year students. Pricing for on-campus housing starts at $4,542 for a bed in a triple unit room, & 住在学校时,有一个强制性的膳食计划. 每学期$3,090). 如果你还想的话, 一旦你收到你的学生证号码, you can put yourself on the waitlist for the residence halls through On-Campus 住房: http://60lot.wjc7.com/housing/on_campus 


We will host an off-campus housing session for incoming exchange students over the winter & 暑假,在学生到来之前. 请加入我们了解在波士顿地区寻找住房的信息. For off-campus housing, t在这里 is a gateway portal for students to search through approved listings: http://offcampushousing.wjc7.com/ With your student ID# you can register into the portal and search through listings, 创建一个室友档案,寻找其他马萨诸塞大学的学生住在一起, & 找到很多资源. You can also contact the Office of Off-Campus 住房 for assistance in finding a place to live in the Boston-area.


Although your tuition and academic fees are waived t在这里 are other fees that you are held responsible for. 这些 强制性的 学生的学费一般在700- 800美元之间.00 /学期. 如果你的课程需要实验室费用,你的费用可能会稍微高一些. 这些费用是不可免除的,也是不可协商的. Your student account will be put on hold if you do not pay your fees during your semester/year at 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿, which will also put a hold on your ability to obtain transcript from your studies at 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿.


The on-campus 强制性的 international student orientation takes place approximately 1-week before classes start each semester. 对于秋天来说,这通常是8月的最后一周. 对于春季来说,这通常是1月中旬. Accepted exchange students will be notified via email with the exact orientation dates.


The Office of 运输 offers discounted MBTA semester passes, but they are 非常有限的. 请 浏览此网站 有关申请MBTA学期通行证的截止日期的信息. 


作为交换学生,在完成学业后,你将要求一份你的 官方成绩单 并通知 注册处 at 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿 把成绩单寄到哪里或者在哪里取. You will need to do this before departing 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿 to ensure your transcript is sent to you. 成绩单不会自动寄给你. 我们的办公室无权代表你取得你的成绩单. 这是申请成绩单的链接: http://60lot.wjc7.com/registrar/records_grades/records


有关交流项目的问题请直接问: studyabroad@wjc7.com